Google Search is Shit
Remember the bad old days? lycos, webcralwer and so on then along came google and smashed them? Those days are gone, I have switched to Duck Duck Go, not for privacy reasons but because google is shit.
"People also ask" - not only is this never useful but if one is dumb enough to expand an answer it will be wrong. It is genuinely terrible feature. I really want my search engine to give me wrong answers to questions I didn't ask.
Trying to be a one site that does everything is what killed Yahoo and Aol if I remember rightly? It seems Google is making the same mistakes they did? Its why we all switched, Google found the sites with the answers, instead of useless self promoted dross from the big portal sites.
I can no longer tell an advert from a result, nor do I think such a distinction can be made. I assume that all results are adverts, or commercially promoted.
How can I find information with personalised search results like google? I assume I can't? Still going to use google maps, it can personalise my travel results, that's fine but for actually finding things out google is now depreciated.
I moved work to Duck Duck Go a while back and am happy, moved Vivaldi yesterday, it finds websites, something Google Search doesn't seem to do anymore.
Photo is a screen grab of some random shit off pintrest, in honour of "people also ask"