
Its High time I enclosed a thank you list of People, Sites and Technologies use to make this and other stuff.


Many people have pointed me in the right Directions on this and other projects. Most thanks goes to Kieran former Webmaster of Varndean College, though he came to PHP after me he does it properly. The crew are always helpfully, Chris is the most webby. I did steal some early css idea's off Steve, Kieran's bro. Though that's all gone now. One moment of enlighten award goes to Jackie, formally Chemistry Tech and IT Champ who explained what CSS was for. The penny dropped and I newer looked back.


 Most of the Pics on here are mine, but, especially the travels pictures are often from other people. Principally.

  • Katrin - Atlantic 2007, Pacific 2010
  • Christian - Pacific 2008
  • Jacky - Pacific 2008
  • Steve - SV Aspen for the Pass Tiputa Video
  • Various BSC video's contain footage from, Rob, Toby and John. Photo's from Eddie, Sam and many others.


This site's database and interface and graphics are my work, pretty much. However there are some free bits built in. Big shout out to Lightbox(2) funky photo displayer in Javascript and CSS which is used in the photo frames. TinyMCE a what you see is what you get HTML editor used to add/edit content, and a flash slide show thingy by Todd Dominey, though the actual script doesn't appear to be available anymore and i'll be retireing infavour of javascripot and lightbox. Observant people may have noticed the Google Maps API as well. Some graphics may be based on stuff I got off google, In particular some Icons for docs and downloads came off the net, but can't remeber where from. I use this exelent Auto Image Resize script in the mobile version of this site, and soon I suspect elsewhere. The scroller on the front page isn't mine but its neen so hacked about i can't remember who it came from. Sorry.


This is currently hosted on Linux (dunno what version) on run by Kieran and his brother, before that is was run off my own server(s) originally at home on my ADSL and after that the server went to stay with Dave (his blog is still AWOL, my server survived one of his numerous power cuts, his didn't). I'm a tree hugging hippie, so my "server" is a nice low power MiniITX box running off Green Electricity.

Wherever or whenever and whatever this server runs on PHP, MySQL and Apache free software. As a note to mysql users: way to go sun, I've never been able to find the right download for java, now I can't find the MySQL I want either. Try and make your gimmicky products easier to follow, we the people have got better things to do than second guess your marketing departments useless spin offs in search of the actual download EVERYBODY wants.

Development Software

This is a mish mash, these days anything with code colouring will do. Once many years ago I even used emacs. Obviously I grew out of that and moved to VIM and Nano. Over the years versions of Dreamweaver, Paint Shop Pro and Flash have been used, most of these are quite old versions. I never stayed with them because they're bloody expensive, but mostly cos I run old hardware and the new versions interfaces are just waste full. It doesn't help that both these original companies have been bought by there older competitors in bubbling fear that their once great products, but now over priced overblown and irritating products were being slaughtered by new comers. Adobe's first act on acquiring macromedia was to hike the educational licence price of its products, and I've tried corel's version of Paint Shop Pro, it adds nothing but chug graphics to the interface as far as I can tell. I've never used Adobe's photoshop. I'm moving to more free software, I've outgrown dreamweaver, as it can't render stuff I code anymore, understand my queries or incudes.The Gimp for graphics, more free stuff from the net, I'd never build my own CMS now, too many good free ones out there.

WinAmp Logo
I Love WinAmp

Movies have been fiddled with Windows Movie Maker moslty lately, its not oftern I say this but way to go Microsoft you did something right! Tested on mplayer

Moslly for testing I use Opera. Which is far and a way the best browser out there, I admit that I do use Firefox, and more importanly firebug, but only for testing and debuging, I love opera. Firefox - your getting bloated, it now takes so long to load V3 it reminds me of why I left netscape for IE in the 90's  your getting flabby.